Earn 1 point for every 100 pesos spent for every transaction and get exclusive promotions for loyalty program members. Customers who utilize coupons or discounts when placing an order will be ineligible to accumulate points for the remaining paid balance.


Disclaimer: Rewards points cannot be used in conjunction with discount codes. Automatic Discounts are prioritized.

  1. Enter your mobile number at checkout under "contact information"
  2. Agree to sign up for the Busan Kitchen Loyalty Program
  3. Pay for your order and wait for your points to be awarded


  • Click the loyalty icon

  • Enter your mobile number

  • Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number to verify the request

  • Under Redeem Points, enter the amount of points you want to redeem. 1 Point = 1 Peso.

  • An OTP will be sent to your mobile number to verify the redemption
  • Click “use” to add a discount coupon to the cart

  • Pay for your order less the discount

PRIVACY STATEMENT: By placing an order through our website and providing your mobile number, you expressly consent to be enrolled in our Loyalty Program. As part of this, we will collect the following information: Name, Mobile Number, Email Address